Small Things are Beautiful.

I have been away for quite a long time, and on my second visit to South Sudan, I have seen things from a very different point of view.
And yet I have still learnt so many things on this journey, things that reminded me why I love journeys, in all their forms. Journeys are the only thing (well, maybe not only but THE) that takes you away from home, or to home, and along the way show you so many things that make you grow. We can all probably grow from watching things pass by us, but there is a certain dimension that journeys bring to the whole picture. Other than the physical act of going, journeys physically transform us and show us options we sometimes pretend not to see.
On this journey I met a man. A man I have heard about for such a long time, read about and longed to see. He founded the HOLY TRINITY PEACE VILLAGE, KURON, about which we were going to make a documentary.
The first time I visited this peace village, I came back sure that I wanted to do a documentary about it. I talked to the people concerned and finally, many months after we talked, they have made it possible for me to go back and do it. But this is not about that documentary, this about that man.
Some say he has done this work because he was a Bishop and Bishops are men of god, they always do good. But I grew up among men and women of god so I know different when I see it. There are many things that went wrong (not on the journey actually, the journey could never have been better) but about this whole process. Yet if there is one thing I won't forget is that man. He has done peace work, he participated in peace talks during the days of Garang and the SPLA and still does, he founded a peace village in the middle of the wilderness where a people that knew nothing other than themselves saw diversity lead its way to them...and yet he is the humblest person I have ever met.
I come from a family of bulls, and believe me I have seen people prove to be important. But the humility that clothed Bishop Paride Taban was overwhelming. Over the days we spent with him, I came to realise that sometimes a journey can be as simple as meeting someone different.
And now, as I face lots of people, sometimes close to me, sometimes just work colleagues, fighting to show how poweful and how big they are, I keep remembering the light, encouraging words of that BIshop. "It was a small thing... small things are beautiful. You are small too, and you are very beautiful". And I keep smiling, thinking, there is no need to worry about big things, even the smallest outcome will be fine. It will be beautiful.


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